
Acute oropharyngeal puncture wounds: a review

Owners may recognise a specific event leading to the injury, such as their dog running for or retrieving a stick (Robinson et al, 2014). Alternatively, owners may be out of sight from the event and...

Introducing Microlyte Vet: a new generation of wound technology for optimal wound healing

The structure of Microlyte Vet combines anionic and cationic charged polymeric components that complement the complex chemistry of the wound to support the formation and reorganisation of granulation...

CPD article: Biofilms and surgical site infections

A surgical site infection is a nosocomial infection temporally associated with a particular surgical procedure. A bacterial wound infection can be defined as the presence of more than 105 bacteria per...

Quality improvement frameworks to maximise wound assessment

As stated above checklists are a cognitive tool to prompt practitioners and ensure vital steps are not missed in an effort to minimise errors. Typically created alongside an evidence-based protocol,...

Using acupuncture to manage wound healing and chronic back pain in a guinea pig

Manifestations of pain in guinea pigs may be subtle, infrequent and inconsistent. Because they are a prey species, signs may be suppressed around humans as a survival mechanism (Turner et al, 2019)....

Use of therapeutic laser in the veterinary field

Laser therapy or photobiomodulation is a photochemical process in which light from a laser interacts with cells and causes stimulation or other biochemical changes (Pryor and Millis, 2015). Depending...

Factors that cause bandage complications in equines and how they can be resolved

The causes of injury during the time a bandage is on and once it has been removed can be divided into primary and secondary. Primary injury refers to the time that the bandage is still in place, when...

The importance of lavage in wound care

Lavage is fundamental in breaking down bacterial biofilms, which occur when a group of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses) attach themselves to a surface to create a colony,...